Second workshop for Preschool Teacher in Saparua with the topic "Introduction to Play-Based Learning Method

Tanggal Terbit: 25 April 2019 Penulis: Media Hekaleka Kategori: Pendidikan

Teacher Changes Lives.

Great teacher can change the lives of their students in many ways.
Through their words, acts, care, kindness and love, they can inspire many people.

On 24-25 of April, we held a second workshop for Preschool Teacher in Saparua with the topic "Introduction to Play-Based Learning Method".
In this first day of workshop, the teacher got a chance to experience the joy of learning through various kind of creative games.
Through this approach, we hope that the teacher can come up with many kind of activities that maximize the resources around them and can use it in classroom to help their students growth well.

The teacher also got a chance to learn how to make recycled paper from Ika Birahy a founder of Tana Paper Community in Ambon. Teachers can make their own paper and use them for learning tools.
Their enthusiasm can be shown by many kind of questions they asked. One of the teachers even practice to make her own paper directly as she arrived at home.
Thank you Ika for sharing with us.
Never stop to develop our capacity so we can provide many chance for our students to learn and be inspired.

Salam Maluku Cerdas